Dragons Den – Meet the scientists

What space research would you invest in? Give your students the power in this Dragon’s Den format. Three hopeful space sector experts come into the den hoping to win over your students. After pitching their research, the students vote on the expert they liked the most and what area of space science they would want to invest their money with.

The Curiosity Show Part 2 – A brief look at Solids, Liquids and Gases

It is not just a matter of fact.... or even just facts about matter? Part two of our Curiosity Show, featuring experiments with solids, liquids and gasses! We also keep things cool with some demonstration with liquid nitrogen! If you have access to liquid nitrogen, and someone with expertise working to work with it, try out these experiments in your classroom, alternatively as a member of the Explorer Dome team to give you a hand!

The Curiosity Show Part 1 – Introduction to the Scientific Process.

Don’t always believe your eyes! This curious blend of demonstrations will have the audience scratching their heads as a blend of physics and chemistry “tricks” to encourage critical thinking and as an introduction to the scientific process. This is a selection of demos that can be presented individually, as part of a series, or together as a long-form show when combined (approximately 40 minutes).

Taking Up Space

Join the Science Made Simple team as they introduce why the space industry is so important for all of us, in this 36 minute video for 11-14-year-olds. This is followed up with a 15-minute Question and Answer session to understand which elements of the show each student enjoyed most and what the students think are the most important topics for future research?

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Teacher course: Introduction to the OurSpaceOurFuture project

A teacher training session where the aims and objectives of the Our Space Our Project are introduced to teachers and educators. It is also an opportunity for teachers to learn about the recent growth within the space sector and the diversity of space-related careers that are available.

Surviving on Mars

Students work together to solve a number of challenges in relation to ensuring supply of oxygen, energy, and food in order to survive on Mars.

The Mission to Mars

Students work together in groups to design their "mission to Mars". Each team select examine experiments and set up a plan on how they want to achieve these goals. The focus of this activity is on collaboration and using transdisciplinary thinking to solve problems.

Science show by presenters

A Science Show that brings students on a journey to Mars. Using a combination of dialogue and demonstrations the students will learn about the variety of professionals working with space, and what career might interest them.

Space Match

Worlds collide in Space Match! This is a chance for school students to meet up with two different professionals from the space sector, over the internet and in the comfort of their own classrooms.

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Space Challenge – part 2

A true challenge where students will have to face the laws of physics to complete their mission.