Format: Ages: Subject:

Teacher course: Introduction to the OurSpaceOurFuture project

A teacher training session where the aims and objectives of the Our Space Our Project are introduced to teachers and educators. It is also an opportunity for teachers to learn about the recent growth within the space sector and the diversity of space-related careers that are available.

Surviving on Mars

Students work together to solve a number of challenges in relation to ensuring supply of oxygen, energy, and food in order to survive on Mars.

The Mission to Mars

Students work together in groups to design their "mission to Mars". Each team select examine experiments and set up a plan on how they want to achieve these goals. The focus of this activity is on collaboration and using transdisciplinary thinking to solve problems.

Science show by presenters

A Science Show that brings students on a journey to Mars. Using a combination of dialogue and demonstrations the students will learn about the variety of professionals working with space, and what career might interest them.

Planetarium show: Life in space

Is there life out there? In this Planetarium show, students learn what it takes for life to exist on far off planets.